The Corner of Craft Podcast Notes
Ep. 94 - Finished Sweaters and Crochet Shawls
Thank you so much for watching and enjoying The Corner of Craft podcast! None of the links in this post link to Ravelry. I have linked to designer's Instagram accounts where possible, so you can see where they are choosing to sell their patterns. With yarn and project bags, I have linked people's shops directly. Tea of the day: Bird & Blend Cream Egg Shop Bird & Blend Tea Co: (affiliate link)Use code CRAFTEA to claim your FREE tea samples with your order! (One use per customer) Finished Things TPCT * TPCT by Teresa Gregorio* Chromatic Yarns Yak Sock in Astral Menagerie Love Note * Love Note by...
Ep. 92 - New WIP Obsession
Thank you so much for watching and enjoying The Corner of Craft podcast! None of the links in this post link to Ravelry. I have linked to designer's Instagram accounts where possible, so you can see where they are choosing to sell their patterns. With yarn and project bags, I have linked people's shops directly. Tea of the day: Yorkshire Tea Biscuit Brew Shop Bird & Blend Tea Co: (affiliate link)Use code CRAFTEA to claim your FREE tea samples with your order! (One use per customer) Link to my tshirt: Finished Things Flatiron Shawl * Flatiron Shawl by Toni Lipsey* 5mm crochet hook from Pedro's Plaques* Chromatic...
Ep. 91 - Tiny Frog Friend
Thank you so much for watching and enjoying The Corner of Craft podcast! None of the links in this post link to Ravelry. I have linked to designer's Instagram accounts where possible, so you can see where they are choosing to sell their patterns. With yarn and project bags, I have linked people's shops directly. Many thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video. The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Tea of the day: Bird & Blend Strawberry & Nutella Pancakes (yum!) Shop Bird & Blend Tea Co: (affiliate...
Ep. 90 - Should I Frog It?
Thank you so much for watching and enjoying The Corner of Craft podcast! None of the links in this post link to Ravelry. I have linked to designer's Instagram accounts where possible, so you can see where they are choosing to sell their patterns. With yarn and project bags, I have linked people's shops directly. Many thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video. The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Finished Things Sparkly Socks * 2.5mm HiyaHiya Sharps, 72sts* 2x2 rib cuff for 15 rounds, 3x1 rib for the leg...