Final post office run for a few weeks is 4th July 2024. I'll restock the shop and will be back in action when I feel ready. Thanks for understanding.

The Chatter of Craft — lockdown sockdown

Lockdown Sockdown KAL!

Lockdown Sockdown KAL!

I thought it was about time that I wrote a little blog post about the fun that is the Lockdown Sockdown! This lockdown has hit me harder than the previous ones. I'm not really sure why, but I think it's partly because it's now January, the weather is bleak in the UK and it just feels endless... CUE THE SOCKDOWN! (Yarn is Luna by Chromatic Yarns) It's time to bring people together, get the community together and focus on something other than doom-scrolling all day. What better way to conquer this than to knit socks?? This is a very casual...